Hitler forbade redheads from marrying, all over Europe red hair has been synonymous with Jews for ages and ages.
Ghengis Khan : Red hair, Green eyes.
Ramses II : Red Hair, Blue Eyes
George Washington: Red
Thomas Jefferson: Red
Royal families?
Elongated Skulls found in Turkey/Region of Ancient Troy
….Red hair
Ohio Iroquois burial mounds: red hair
"Their tall stature, their long red hair, their huge shields, their extraordinarily long swords; still more, their songs as they enter into battle, their war-whoops and dances, and the horrible clash of arms as they shake their shields in the way their fathers did before them - all these things are intended to terrify and appal."
Livy, on the Gauls.
"The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a Germanic origin."
Tacitus, on the inhabitants of northern Britain.
"The colour of the Ethiopian is not singular among his countrymen, nor is red hair tied up in a knot a peculiarity among the Germans."
Seneca, on the Germans.
In the book of Enoch angels descend and begat giants who cannibalized people.
After the flood Noah/Ziusudra makes a new home (SUMERIA, or eventually IRAQ, BABYLON, AKKADIA, MESOPOTAMIA)
Flood wipes out red haired giants apparently
Some time later…
Abraham leaves Sumer (He's from a town in Sumer called Nippur)
Were his sons red headed twins? Was Abraham, founder of the nation of Israel red headed?
Eventually giants are known of again in the area of Canaan, giants like Gilgamesh, Goliath.
When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, do we think all of Sumer was destroyed?
Where did the Sumerians go?
Many peoples of the world are likely amalgamations of the Sumerian diaspora when the nation came apart thousands of years ago. If the Aryan people originate in Sumer, they may have traveled to England, India, Japan (The Ainu), Russia, Mongolia, North Africa…
Add to this the lost ten tribes of Israel.
It's a twisted web of various related tribes.