Anonymous ID: dac64f Aug. 7, 2022, 11:43 p.m. No.17200840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1932 >>2275 >>3384 >>3849 >>7098 >>7592


And also, I want to say, like, you can’t drill this down to one specific traditional political subculture. I know a lot of people want to point out that this guy was a Donald Trump fan. He had, there were pictures of him draped in a Trump flag or, you know, at a Donald Trump, outside of a Donald Trump motorcade. This guy, this is part of a much larger, deeper subculture that Donald Trump is in the past of, like this guy who grew up as a child, if Donald Trump was his president, he is trying to advance the accelerationism well past Donald Trump.

This guy is part of a new wave of terror, and that’s something that we have to get our brains around right now. This is not, this is not tied to one guy. This is tied to a much larger cell of people who think they’re loners, who are really acting in concert to express their disaffection with the world by murdering a bunch of people. We have to stop that. I don’t know how to stop that. The one thing that you can stop it at the very end is the gun parts. But we have to at least, you know, try to start to learn how people are getting to this point.