Anonymous ID: e261e0 Aug. 8, 2022, 12:15 a.m. No.17207627   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Russell Moore Can't Praise Dobbs Because Pro-Trump Christians Won


Part 2 of 2


Moore has in the past publicly swiped at fellow believers under the guise of condemning “Christian nationalism.” He never missed the chance to comment on the Syrian refugee crisis or white supremacy or the Confederate flag — or any number of different highly politicized issues. Especially in the last few years, Moore has prioritized political commentary if it meant the chance to beat the Christians to the right of himself as not loving their neighbor the right way — or at least not loving them by supporting the policy or the politician he preferred.


As Jackon Waters and Emma Posey astutely noted in The American Conservative last year: “The direction Moore, [David] French, and [Beth] Moore are walking is not simply traditional evangelicalism, but a form of cultural accommodation dressed as convictional religion. The result is a religious respectability that promotes national unity, liberalism, and wokeism under the rhetorical guise of love for neighbor. While [Russell] Moore and his guest try to straddle the fence, there is little doubt that their biggest support is now coming from those significantly to their left politically.”


This “cultural accommodation dressed as convictional religion” didn’t emerge out of thin air, and it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s a direct result of a Never Trump posture that’s been too arrogant to acknowledge the spiritual faithfulness of anyone who doesn’t share its conclusions that the 45th president is indefensible.


Furthermore, it’s the primary reason Moore apparently can’t bring himself to celebrate a hard-fought Supreme Court victory that could result in tens of millions of lives saved over the next few decades: As much as the Dobbs ruling is a victory for the church and the pro-life movement, the striking down of Roe v. Wade is a victory of the Trump presidency, without which the egregious precedent would not be overturned today.


We know. Trump is a moral stain. Sexual promiscuity. Insurrection. Yada yada yada. But after 63 million lives lost and half a century of blood, sweat, and tears culminating in an answered prayer for something we barely had the faith to ask for, does the chairman of public theology really have nothing to say?