If the CABAL can hack the VOLS on a carrier, they can control the landing lights the LSO usually controls with the PICKLE.
>>1720303 lb
>>1720232 lb
>>1720176 lb
>>1720160 lb
If the CABAL can hack the VOLS on a carrier, they can control the landing lights the LSO usually controls with the PICKLE.
>>1720303 lb
>>1720232 lb
>>1720176 lb
>>1720160 lb
when did you serve?
exact plot points in hunt for red october
any middileers on here who served near the end of the obama administration? who knows what kind of tech they installed. maybe the system that requires human intervention was just a prop.
so anons are saying but no booms have been posted.
it's all in the movie
and part of the plot involved the launching of missiles. it wasn't that two people on board had to launch them…it was their inability to confirm an incomplete emergency action message.
communication conflicts….not hacked launch systems.
reflection of photog. polka dots suggest female.
thx for replying. i've been posting good stuff and was beginning to think i was being shadowbanned or something…