I love it when Q team is here and the bread is flying. Thanks Baker.
You are retarded.
Here is what patriotard cucks think of Trump.
You confuse marxism with what the jews told you about NSDAP and vomited it up here.
My bet is on both.
Because its a Nazi World Order super secret conspiracy run by jew nazis goyimโฆ
If Hitler escaped there is no way he would let a jew know where he was.
Look at Mussolini.
But alas you must be too dumb to think critically by comparing.
You jews are just tossing nails out of the back of the getaway car.
None of your Alex Jones bullshit will work here. Have a nice night.
Heard all this garbage before.
Its blue pill faggottry.
>Hitler was a bad person.
Really convincing. Try again faggot.
Stalin got a pass. Hitler not so much. You lie.
WWII was not only about that sliver of land in the ME. It was about stopping Hitler from setting the model for your countries growth and prosperity which was not letting jews rule with media and banking monopolies.
Pay attention anons.
These are the jews dishonest tactics. As you can see they were met with and dealt with swiftly.
Use logic!
So the good guys wonโฆ
Then everything turned to shit.
Cool story faggot. We are tired of your stupid story.
Only a nuetered deracinated faggot like this could come up with such a jew approved stupid story like this one.
Go fish.
Brock is a child rapist. Not something a Brock nigger would say.
Hi David Brock thanks for stopping by. Enjoying the beat down your jew shills are recieving?
I am satisfied with the beating the kike shills suffered in this bread.
Good work anons.
I think some pink pilled saw who was lying and trying to confuse.
I respond to the Brock shills. Go look they are obvious.