Anonymous ID: dd76f3 Aug. 8, 2022, 12:34 a.m. No.17210737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It Is Not Easy To Implement New Big Monetary Policy Due To The Global Connection Domino Effect

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In previous article, I have shared with you a great new monetary that will loved by the Americans in the United States of Americas for various reasons:

– They will receive free new money from the political party they voted for.

– Have new currencies (example Republican Dollar, Democratic Dollar) but still able to use and keep the old one US Dollar. All people including politicians will love it !

– Political parties will able to print endless money if they think are “needed” for the economy.

If you wonder who going to check the corruption related to “print” new money/currency, then the answer is the opposition parties which can take over when the next election come in.

Can they got blackmailed, trapped, tracked? Yes !

But if they are all “clean, clear”, then there is no need to worried !

So the issue related to the print new money are solved.


– Some national governments will less worry about the so called exchange rate anymore because they can let the people decide it completely after having 2 or 3 difference currencies exist on the same economy of a nation.


That sound an amazing future for the USA and maybe even Australia, Canada, etc.

But that not good news for the monopoly absolutely political party in some nations such as China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc.

Because the people of their nations would “envy” and will most likely demand similar new change so that they can also receive “free money” as well, but more important have a better fairer cleaner system where the authority can be “tracked” and “out” if they got caught “cheating”.


So how you implementing it in safe mode in the global world?

Well, that is not my job or my task to do, I don’t want to “crack” and “unlock” any more information in my unlimited mind with endless solutions and ideas.


I am very poor, have no money left, so I will never talk again about the global currency reset subject until my financial get more stable.


But for now I think the USA have the upper hand against China.


My strategy is the only correct one that will save this world from destruction because it will upgrade the society system for the better, fairer.


The USA can make donation of minimum 4.6 million US Dollar to me, then can publish the new ideas to the public/media so they can receive the “feedback” from citizens and probably end the pandemic in their nation.


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

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