Anonymous ID: 3616da June 16, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.1772811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That's gonna be rough. Up here we are used to really loud planes and the Naval Air Station do Ya some really noisy aircraft. Paine Field isn't very far away and it has tons of giant passenger planes coming and going, testing, etc. It's got Tramco that does annuals on the big birds, so, we are kinda used to extremely loud aircraft. Also, it's not nearly as populated as Seattle, lots of trees. I'd be surprised if anyone was woken by it. It takes time for these rockets to get supersonic, so that would be another factor. They unfortunately picked an ideal spot to launch. Don't forget the exhaust is pointing nearly straight down too. It would have been very brief.

Look at the launch videos, it's no Titan or Space Shuttle.

Anonymous ID: 3616da June 16, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.1773159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can't do a thing till next weekend, then I can ask around and look for evidence/debris etc.

I thought about getting photos of the camera and checking the lenses.

But, I cannot till next weekend.

Anonymous ID: 3616da June 16, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.1773378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I thank you and mostly agree with you.

My one problem is that all nation states with space programs would have seen and therefore known the origin of the launch if Singapore was intended.

It would have panicked the Russians and we all wouldn't be talking today. Plus, deniability would have flown out the window. A straight up, straight down launch would have been very hard to detect a d confirm, but the public wouldn't have a clue to its origin and would have bought the "it's the Koreans" narrative very easily. I don't know what took it out, but something did. We can all be thankful for that. I have a suspicion it was followed. Perhaps by a Crusier or Destroyer on the coast. Perhaps Canada was target, impossible to say. But this is certainly not time to play poker. Somebody needs to come clean. We know what we saw. We got the comm loud and clear. Its past time to stop this. Nukes are not toys nor are they just really big bombs. The devastation lasts lifetimes.