I posted this elsewhere
Anon, your position is marked in Yellow. Vancouver WA. The yellow arrow is directly in line with the position of the object as worked out based on the Q photo and the weather photo.
I have indicated where I think the object is at the time of the weather photo along that line.
The position of the object at the time of the Q photo is the question.
Given that the object is actually visible in the Q photo, I'm guessing close to Q's position. That puts it NORTH of Whidbey Island, yet you felt that air vibration much further south.
The object is actually directly in line with your position in Vancouver WA however!
Update 2-
I've updated the diagram to account for the position of the weather camera which I had missed earlier, apologies.
Two theories -
I have assumed the Q photo was taken AFTER the weather photo - it could be the reverse if the Q photo captured the object dropping TOWARDS Seattle and the weather pic was taken after the Q photo.
A 20 sec exposure of a weather cam won't show direction of travel - we're assuming based on what we think is exhaust plume that it's going up. It could be the fireball of a destroyed object coming down. I would expect to see debris but maybe not from the weather cam. 20 sec is a LONG time for the shutter to be open.
Assuming it was taking off from near Whidbey Island, then it must have flown NNW towards Q photo position - No way a phone camera could resolve an object, from an aircraft, 70 odd miles to the south of it, so the object was close to Q photo position (we're assuming AF1 here), at time of the shot. This possibly points to AF1 being the target.
However >>1771737 anon mentions the vibration in the air, 160 miles south in Vancouver, WA. Her position is directly in line with the object as seen in the Q photo.
Weather cam at Skunkbay says 3:54am
Anon says she felt air vibration at 3:59am
That's 5 minutes.
What time was Q photo taken?
Update 3.
If you take a position quite close to AF1 and aim it at Seattle, is pretty much crosses over Whidbey Island.
But as someone mentioned, it could have been aimed at SF or LA heading further south.
Damn, I've been making the assumption that the Q photo of the object was taken from AF1 - But if AF1 was approaching Singapore at the time the photo was taken, then who took that photo?
Also, and this just dawned on me, the time of day in the Q photo is much later than the weather cam photo, by hours. I can not see how those two photographic events line up. One is 4am and the other looks to be anywhere between 8 to 10am.
What the hell?
According to Trump tweets, he left Canada approx 5pm local, June 9. (Time in Seattle = 2pm)
Flight time from Quebec to Seattle, approx 3.5 to 4 hrs. AF1 may have been over Seattle earlier as it was flying right over that area, not landing.
AF1 over Seattle WA approx 5 or 6pm local, June 9.
** This confirms the time of day in the Q photo above Seattle WA, shadows on the mountains, light coming from the west.
The 'missile' weather pic was shot at 3:54am, June 10.
** A full 10 or 11 hours AFTER AF1 passes the area.
So how does the object seen in the Q photo above WA fit with the object seen in the weather pic when they are separated by almost half a day?
What does one pic have to do with the other?
My diagram of the Q photo (AF1 photo?) was based on another anon who had stated that the three peaks visible were, closest to farthest, Glacier Peak, Mt Rainier and Mt St. Helens. As I am not local to the US, I took that as fact.
The high altitude Q photo once aligned on the map, with those three peaks, does line up with Whidbey Island! That can't be coincidence.
However, if someone local can confirm those peaks as being elsewhere, please let us know and I will determine the camera position again.
I just read that there are two AF1's.. one is a decoy. Is this correct?
I remember the news stating AF1 had stopped in Crete to refuel - decoy?
Here are two flight paths from Canada to Singapore. I'm not suggesting here that AF1 stopped in Seattle, just that it would have been over that area had it taken a westerly route from Quebec.