Anon, you nailed it. Let me help with the rest of the pieces. Trump Tweeted today twice and the letters I and P were missing.
IP=Intelectual Property. Who is responsible for stealing IP?
In the past Q mentioned Rogue. I have assumed he meant agent\agency. But then I looked into the location of this missile launch and noticed Boeing was near there. Boeing and China have made some MAJOR financial moves and working on Anti Defense Missiles. Someone at Boeing go Rogue? Hacked?
This picture of a missile DEFINITELY looks to be something like anti defense missiles, but not ICBM. Then I found this… https://www.popsci(dot)com/chinas-new-ramjet-engine-triple-range-missiles#page-5
2+2 = China is working with Boeing (Rogue) and took a shot at something (Perhaps AF1?)
The only problem is we don't know if this was an attack or if it was defense. Technically speaking it could be used either way.
If defense then just anti defense missle firing at a hacked Boeing Missile from one of our subs?
If offense Boeing and China taking a shot at AF1? Or another target?