Anonymous ID: bfb6cc Aug. 8, 2022, 12:39 a.m. No.17211556   🗄️.is 🔗kun



meh it's not. Irresponsible bad parenting by horrible people yes. Not abuse. We need to save that word to not devalue its impact by real traumas. Not just being retards.



It depends, is it right objectively NO, but the problem is these people/parents think they are doing the right thing because they are so brainwashed by the system and even if they get a twinge of going against either their families or something will keep them warped. I feel bad for these kids also, but unless it is being done to them maliciously with malice and intent, i dunno. Horribly brainwashed people who don't know any better themselves. This is why we are getting such push back they think they are being the good guys in all this. They think their actions are honorable. Just like we do to some degree they think we are abusing our children by not getting it or caring. System is all fucked