Anonymous ID: f77e5b Aug. 8, 2022, 12:44 a.m. No.17212579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2632 >>2777


I associate this:


BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — CAL Fire officials said investigators have stopped an unlicensed fireworks company and seized illegal fireworks from a warehouse in Mojave last week.

Fire officials in Sacramento County said the group Exposhows Fireworks Events was in possession of fireworks with counterfeit state fire marshal seals and illegal homemade fireworks that “could have endangered the public.”

Officials also said the group was hired to organize Fourth of July fireworks shows for approximately a dozen California cities and officials said they are helping the cities look for legal fireworks vendors.

CAL Fire says the group violated at least 15 fireworks laws and regulations and are working closely with law enforcement. 17 News has reached out to the Kern County District Attorney’s Office for more information.


As retribution for this:


Lancaster Performs Fireworks Show in Defiance of LA County Officials

The city of Lancaster defied the fireworks ban imposed Monday by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health by holding a public fireworks show.

The fireworks started after 9 p.m. Saturday and lit up the sky over the city.


But so far I cannot find the company that set up the 2020 show so right now it is trust me bro until someone finds the direct connection other than a company set up in Mojave is going to do local shows. It did shut down the Lancaster, CA fourth of July fireworks this year.