templars found time travel 1000 years ago and used it to stack the deck. obsession with bloodlines related. time shift is very taxing mentally and psychologically, some bloodlines are bred/adapted to it. programming and mind-control experiments related to compartmentalizing to deal with time shifting. why are they called 'temples'? think temporary temporal etc. every church used to keep time with bells ba'al. they changed the calendar. templar base in switzerland with all the clockmakers. time IS space. cant move in either without the other. what if 'ancient' tech is actually future tech. think mirror. think moebius loop. all timelines bleed into each other. 'white rabbit' is time-control synch tech. quamtum computers are time tech. major breakthroughs accelerate the process. what are the ramifications of time/space travel on the mass psyche? is there a point where/when it can no longer be hidden? what if drugs and emf are used to suppress the awareness of time breakthroughs. nazis time tech space tech psi tech genetic tech and pharma tech all related. this is what led to national security state. bigger than most can comprehend. future proves past