I think that I would not be surprised at anything now. Maybe I'd be shocked, I might have a heart attack and faint, but I'd also think 'oh that explains it'.
reptilians? aliens? demons? extra-dimensional beings? I dont think any of those explain it fully. I'd really rather it be demons because we've been given power over demons. They can't touch us unless we let them.
And if there are demons, there are angels.
But I god damn well know we've shifted timelines.
I wold not be surprised if we have jumped universes/dimensions.whatev. Quantum particles jump universes/dimensions.whatev. we KNOW that, the research has admitted they can MAKE particles jump universes. and we only know 10% of what tech is capable of.
And I know God exists. I know we're part of God and can create, and we have power and we're connecting and creating now. Prayer=meditation=The Secret= power of positive thinking= BELIEF>reality
I know that we're in end times. But I know we wrested the timeline.
I see all these things as disjointed though, because I dont know how to reconcile the science, the sci-fi, the horror and our higher power. So I keep going back to the starting point, God, and I'll stand firmly there.
Oh we laughed then (pic related) but Im not laughing now.
Look up John Titor. Tesla. And the company that published this book: Ingersoll.. and WHAT WHAT What's Baron Trump's adventure about? A journey into the Hollow earth.