>In most realities?
That's a rather spooky thought, actually. One lightworker said that what we are seeing in the Left is the effect of hive mind. If the energy went a different way in most other realities, perhaps that is part of the phenomenon. So we 'autists' can't be programmed? I guess that means they couldn't get us hooked into that hive mind. It would seem that our job here is to overcome it, among other things.
This thread might as well be titled, "Things that make you go, 'Huh!'
The theory that Q has knowledge of the future kind of reminds me of that video, "We Are From the Future."
As for timeline jumping, there have been a few extreme cases of people who jump timelines, as documented by Trish LeSage in her book, "Traveling To Parallel Universes." (It seems to have become unavailable. She was selling it on CreateSpace, but it is no longer there.) In one story, a woman woke up one day and went to work. She discovered that she had a different job. Then later that day when she went home again, she discovered that she had a different boyfriend!
In another story, a person was jumping from one reality to another so often that they could never be sure what their true past was at any given time.
Trish herself wrote that she knows she died in a house fire in another reality.
I've sometimes wondered how many times I've died already. There have been a few potential exit points already. And maybe that's why Nelson Mandela died twice? And I find it fascinating that the Bible has changed so much. In any case, I do believe that the ultimate outcome of the current trajectory will be a good one.