Good thread.
I'm not as much interested in things like which politician broke which law, as I am interested in the big timeless questions about why we are here and how life works.
The topics you raise could related to the dimensions beyond our perception that are just as much a part of "reality" even if we aren't aware of them.
If I understand correctly, science can now confirm mathematically that there must be 10 or 11 total spatial dimensions. They must exist in order for the 4 or 5 dimensions we perceive to even exist.
Attached is a two hour video that helps the average person start thinking about the dimensions.
And here is a more complex/advanced description:
Would also like to hear insights from anons who know more about quantum mechanics / string theory than I do.
For anyone not interested in the science but wanting exposure to these concepts, the tv series "Fringe" is an entertaining way to slowly get your head around some of them, through a fictional story. (People who don't enjoy horror-movie elements will need to fast forward through a lot of gross scenes.)
About the mind control aspects, a smart tv series is "Dollhouse". (If you can look past the low budget, and get through the first several episodes that were controlled by the studio instead of the creators.)
Like "The Matrix" films, the creators of these shows may have been trying to subtly red-pill their viewers by wrapping these hard topics inside of creative fiction.
Or maybe evil Hollywood & clowns release these kind of stories because they are required by metaphysical laws to disclose what they are doing to the public.
Or perhaps there are forces beyond the human level that get these stories made for the benefit of humans, even though the people making them are only chasing personal riches.
But in excellent fiction, I think there are major life secrets embedded in the story, even if we only get the points subconsciously.
Another point about The Matrix that some might not know - the creators originally envisioned the physical matrix plant to be a distributed computing network that exploited human brain processing (also addressed in Dollhouse.) But the studio thought viewers wouldn't understand that, so they required the matrix to be presented as an electrical power plant that exploited human body energy.