Anonymous ID: 3179af June 12, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.1722179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191 >>2247 >>2300 >>2316 >>2358

OBVIOUSLY I'm trusting the plan and whatnot…But seriously Q Team, at some point you should consider just dropping a List of Names of all the Deep State Members worldwide…


If the thing they fear most is the Public Awakening then why not just leak all their names and let the Public sort'em out…


How many of them could there possibly be? Hell we already know about one-third of them anyway based on Q Drops and raw intuition…


Global Population = 7.6 Billion

Even if there are 10 Million Deep State Members ( willing to die for precious LuCyFer)


They'd still be outnumbered–at minimum–760 to 1


Come on Q Team, give us those names already…let's end this fucking war this week…and we can all be enjoying the Age of Aquarius by the first day of summer…


Think about it…


-Woke Normies

Anonymous ID: 3179af June 12, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.1722358   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fair enough.


But quick question, if you were to subtract



Actual-Cabal-Members-Who-Are-Fighting-For-The-Cause ( whatever the fuck their dumbass Egyptian-meets-Crowleyian-meets-DarkMatter cause is )

then approximately HOW MANY Cabal Members and Cabal Soldiers are there worldwide?


It seriously can't be many. Throw us a bone…give us a rough number…