Anonymous ID: 6646b5 June 12, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.1722029   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2222 >>2379 >>2455

Robert DeNiro has an interesting background.

His father Robert Sr. was an artist. Here is some of his work which was considered very good. He never made any money. His mother was an interesting woman.


deniro history


first wife -


father -

saved in pics

artist page - 5 years ago –

today –


"The bohemian life of Robert De Niro, senior

Before Robert De Niro the famous actor there was Robert De Niro the famous artist."

Robert Jr. keeps the apartment of his father as it was when he died, as a shrine.


De Niro snr, whose temper, eccentricity and passion De Niro has said he shares (as well as 'a strong connection to the smell of oil paints and cigarettes and musty old sweaters') was one of America's most prominent figurative expressionists, a handsome, curly-haired wunderkind who burst on the New York scene in 1946, aged 24, with his first solo show at Peggy Guggenheim's Art of This Century Gallery on 57th Street.


The eminent critic, Clement Greenberg, later Jackson Pollock's kingmaker, praised De Niro's work in The Nation: 'The originality and force of his temperament demonstrate themselves under an iron control of the plastic elements such as is rarely seen in our time outside the painting of the oldest surviving members of the school of Paris.' In 1955 the poet and critic Frank O'Hara wrote that De Niro was 'one of the most original and powerful younger painters showing today, and each show of his is an event'. De Niro jnr was brought up surrounded by artistic celebrities – Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller and Tennessee Williams. 'My parents both moved in bohemian circles,' he says with modest understatement.


Admiral was seven years older than De Niro and also an accomplished painter; she and De Niro were Hofmann's favourites students (Kresch describes the couple as 'super confident' when it came to painting). She'd been a radical student at Berkeley, where she'd been a member of the Trotskyite Young People's Socialist League and, with the poet Robert Duncan, founded a literary magazine whose impressive contributors became part of her circle of artistic and literary friends.


To earn money to support her painting, Admiral worked for Nin one evening a week as a typist, transcribing her notoriously decadent diaries for 10 cents a page. Nin, who lived in Greenwich Village with a pet monkey, was hired by a 'collector'- described by his emissary as an 'old millionaire down south' – to write erotica; she was paid $1 a page and was ordered to churn out a minimum of a hundred pages per month. Admiral would type those pages up, too. Nin prided herself as a corruptor of youth and saw Admiral's secretarial job as part of that project; she claimed that Admiral had been 'liberated by my writing and our talks'.


The 'collector' soon tired of Nin's poetic descriptions and requested she send only sex scenes, omitting the wasteful narratives that linked them. Hard pornography soon became, in Nin's description, 'hard labour' and in 1942 she recruited her young proteges to help. Nin referred to herself as 'The madam of this literary, snobbish house of prostitution-writing'. 'I gather poets around me and we all write erotica,' Nin boasted of the 'epidemic of journal writing' she'd started. De Niro, a lapsed Catholic, wasn't a particularly skilled or prolific member of this bookish vice ring and soon gave up the task. 'It was very hard work,' he recalled.


'The whole lunatic fringe of Manhattan is already here,' wrote Tennessee Williams, who waited tables with De Niro at the beatnik resort.


'There are shoals and shoals of homosexuals here and no one for me,' Nin complained in 1942 to Duncan, who was in military prison after having declared himself homosexual to evade the draft. ('I am an officially certified fag now,' Duncan joked.) According to Deirdre Blair, in her biography of Nin, Duncan seduced both Admiral and De Niro, and bragged about each conquest to the other. In the summer of 1942,

Anonymous ID: 6646b5 June 12, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.1722222   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2234 >>2243 >>2245 >>2306 >>2313 >>2318 >>2344 >>2452



Robert DeNiro's mother

While living in Berkeley, California, she had been part of an off-campus art, socialist, and literary scene. Having traveled together from California to Greenwich Village, New York, Admiral was an intimate friend of poet Robert Duncan throughout the 1940s as well as other artists and writers in the Village scene. Among them was Anais Nin and Kenneth Patchen. With Duncan, she produced an issue of the magazine Epitaph (later renamed The Experimental Review)


For a time she worked as a typist for AnaĂŻs Nin.[6] Both she and husband Robert wrote erotica briefly for Nin. She and Robert De Niro divorced in 1945, but remained close throughout their lives. When Robert Sr. was stricken with cancer, she took him in during his last years.[7] Later, in New York, she wrote for True Crimes magazine


She was active in political movements against the Vietnam War and for the rights of artists and the poor. In the 1960s she was instrumental in obtaining low-cost housing for artists working in the SoHo area of New York.[3] Her work is in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.


In addition to her journals, Nin wrote several novels, critical studies, essays, short stories, and volumes of erotica. Much of her work, including the collections of erotica Delta of Venus and Little Birds, was published posthumously amid renewed critical interest in her life and work


In New York, AnaĂŻs rejoined Otto Rank, who had previously moved there, and moved into his apartment. She actually began to act as a psychoanalyst herself, seeing patients in the room next to Rank's, and having sex with her patients on the psychoanalytic couch.[14] She

quit after several months, however, stating: "I found that I wasn't good because I wasn't objective. I was haunted by my patients. I wanted to intercede.


So far sixteen volumes of her journals have been published. All but the last five of her adult journals are in expurgated form.


Nin was a friend, and in some cases lover, of many literary figures, including Henry Miller, John Steinbeck, Antonin Artaud, Edmund Wilson, Gore Vidal, James Agee, James Leo Herlihy, and Lawrence Durrell. Her passionate love affair and friendship with Miller strongly influenced her both sexually and as an author. Claims that Nin was bisexual were given added circulation by the Philip Kaufman film Henry & June about Henry Miller and his second wife June Miller. The first unexpurgated portion of Nin's journal to be published,


Henry and June, makes it clear that Nin was stirred by June to the point of saying (paraphrasing), "I have become June," though it is unclear whether she consummated her feelings for her sexually. To both Anaïs and Henry, June was a femme fatale—irresistible, cunning, erotic. Nin gave June money, jewelry, clothes, often leaving herself broke.


Her first book of fiction, House of Incest (1936), contains heavily veiled allusions to a brief sexual relationship Nin had with her father in 1933: While visiting her estranged father in France, the then-thirty-year-old Nin had a brief incestual sexual relationship with him.


On March 17, 1955, while still married to Guiler, she married Pole at Quartzsite, Arizona, returning with him to live in California


Links here to her works.


Duncan was a key figure in the San Francisco Renaissance.

He was adopted by a prominent and socially active family.

The Symmeses had begun planning for the child's arrival long prior to his adoption. There were terms for his adoption that had to be met: he had to be born at the time and place appointed by the astrologers, his mother was to die shortly after giving birth, and he was to be of Anglo-Saxon Protestant descent

He began writing poems inspired in part by his left wing politics and acquired a reputation as a bohemian. His friends and influences included Mary and Lilli Fabilli, Virginia Admiral,and Pauline Kael,

Anonymous ID: 6646b5 June 12, 2018, 7 p.m. No.1722379   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Knowing that DeNiro's parents were in some kind of a sex cult, one can look closely at these paintings and see odd things.

Skulls, skulls cut off at the top,

one might make out a pineal gland? in a skull?

a chateau?

someone getting head?

busts, and baby scribbling


basically HOGWASH

that he spent years "perfecting"

methinks the man was insane or an addict