Anonymous ID: 0ac9ea Aug. 8, 2022, 4:06 p.m. No.17243721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maxwell addresses the court


After her attorney finished, Maxwell stood to address the court directly.


“I empathise deeply with all the victims in this case,” she began.


“I realise I have been convicted of assisting Jeffrey Epstein to commit these crimes. My association with Epstein will permanently stain me. It is the biggest regret of my life than I ever met him.


“I believe Jeffrey Epstein fooled all of those in his orbit. His victims considered him a mentor, friend, lover.


“Jeffrey Epstein should have stood before you. In 2005. In 2009. And again in 2019. But today it is for me to be sentenced.


“I am sorry for the pain you have experience. I hope my conviction and harsh incarceration brings you peace and finality. I hope this date bring a terrible chapter to the end.”