I don't know how accurate the info is.
I just remember outer heaven and everything being fked up at the time. Still have the origional endchan outer.png somwhere about 40mb.
I don't know how accurate the info is.
I just remember outer heaven and everything being fked up at the time. Still have the origional endchan outer.png somwhere about 40mb.
I'm remembering now. That's about similar timeframe when archive.org got comped. A,load of shit got buried in there incl pizza stuff. Trying to remember timelines of stuff. I think the file could of been renamed after the fact but it was a wiki archive with 2016 in the path.
That file I think is the key. I realise that sounds cryptic, that's the way my brain works.
It triggered xkeyscored, internet disconnected.
Rebooted Cisco all good back online.
Thing is, no Feds round here, however they are very where.
Anons, anyone know where I can get a modern day Norton disc doctor. I felz I have some files too retrieve. Hdd and sdd plox. -paywall.