I know it has been joked about before but you all must understand (((they))) are finally in panic mode. Another thing you must understand is that their worst mistake of all is their WISHFUL THINKING which misleads their hope and efforts to this very moment. Despite all that has happened, and Q's efforts, they were full of false confidence which led them to believe all has not yet been lost for (((them))). As the NK-US summit has concluded with concrete and beneficial results for the people of NK and US and an agreement on paper, reality has at last caught up with (((them))): they have lost CONSIDERABLE ground and the threat POTUS poses is even more real than they ever thought. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? THEY THOUGHT THIS WAS A GAME. Q HAD TO KEEP REMINDING THEM. THEY STILL DON'T GET IT. As such, they have now taken possession of a warhead/missile with intention steered somewhere towards their same old aims. This last-ditch effort, however, will NOT stand. Teams dispatched to resolve. My intuition, anyway.