Anonymous ID: d3d91b June 12, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.1725678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-newfag here. Red pilled in a big way after the Vegas shooting when I realized things didn't add up. (Someone told me I didn't just take the red pill, I took the whole jar - Kek!!) DS is a US Navy Veteran who was on an aircraft carrier on 9/11. Scariest time of my life. To find out that the country we fought for, that I risked my family for, could do all these things?? It's earth shattering. It's hard to continue living a normal life once your eyes are open. It's SO hard to see all the people you have known all your life still be asleep.


I've been here since the beginning - shortly after Q started posting back at 4ch. One thing I've realized in trying to spread the message to my normie friends and family – MOST of them will never take the time to really read and research for themselves. In our culture of selfishness, they don't care. They are overwhelmed by too many facts and by graphics that don't make sense to them. My advice is to KISS - keep it simple, stupid.


If you care about getting this message out AND if this forum is where it'll happen, we should simplify. There is too much listed in each bread for any normie to even have a clue where to start. When building a website to attract future clients, it's been said you have about 30 seconds to get their attention. The same could be said for this situation. I'm happy to give some ideas I have that could help if it's something y'all agree with. I know anons don't like change OR newfags….but, it's for a good cause.

