Welcome to the Global War
You are now entering the mind of Patriots worldwide, in this fight we greet you. Since late 2017 Q clearance patriot or Q has given us the task to compile a list of events and evidence proving the coming events and those which have transpired.
We are anonymous, we are your friends, your family, your co-workers and strangers alike. Just like you we knew there was something wrong with the world around us. Like you we had a desire for the world to come to peace. And like you we found ourselves here in the forefront of information warfare. We stand for truth, will you join the fight? Will you brave the depths of the unknown with bravery and courage?
Know that it is not anyone person's fault for the corruption you are about to unravel. There is none to blame but those systems of evil which have lead us to fight one another for decades. Be strong, stand together, and stay united. We are with you. Together we are invincible.
May your thoughts be clear, your wits be sharp, and your heart be strong. For in the digital age; The mind is your greatest ally and the greatest enemy.