The most badass fighter jet in the world, the f-22 breaking the sound barrier. Man what I would give to own one of those MFers….
interesting… I need to look into IRAN/Ghost connection. I guess missing D5 are in IRAN, guess we know who's next.. (as if we didn't already :b Been looking into CON SIT-AWARE (1474), cant help but notice its red…. not talking about the bars on left, but the literal message is red… Also no SIG.. Guessing unSIG are direct orders made public for future XREF… Watching a show and all that…
Love that one! Came across it back when i was always looking into B2 and stuff! I dont think the YF 23 ever got past initial testing though did it? (at least publicly) :b… man i've got to start researching all these exp crafts again… Brings back good mems…
not in terms of raw maneuverabity.. The thing the F-22 can do… Blew my mind when I saw it in action. had one take off right over my head, go straight the up til it looked like it stalled then freaking flew backwards slowly spinning till it got turned around, then came out of stall and flew of not giving a single fuck at all. Was amazing.
missing letter… trump, tweets, missing letters? 1479
or 5
1 good vs 5 (Roman num V) evil? 5d?
seems like someone IDed them before but im having trouble finding.
Maybe if Trump had 1:1 meeting with KJU, (if mem serves) this is 5:5 fight…
Lol I know, i just didnt feel like following them all the way back yours was most convenient to reply too.
holy crap 570 is really coming into context.
U1 went to IRAN then to NK to build.. funds and supply was sent to IRAN, then to NK, which is why NK was so important… The Missile launch and the sub pics kinda just got a lot more real considering timing… Killed Scolia to get SC, so LL could get on, would then take away 2A and ultimately 1A (most likely through discreet means , aka shadow banning) 16 yr plan, Hussein was 8, we artching them continue to try to roll out their plan…
sorry I know im a little slow…
man, im embarrassed, with how much time I spent on that pic counting… I should have seen that. Good catch!
I know, Im ashamed, I have besmirched my rep! I was looking into ucmj old EOs and any other laws I could think of….
lucky, I love the smell of ozone in the air… that being said stay safe… hmmm interesting about the radar though..
Hmmm, interesting, I always thought the Wizards and Warlocks were on the same side… need to look into this more, maybe this is the piece im missing.
"There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Good speed, Patriots.
PS, Soros is targeted."
post 15
Question..;. God forbid this site does go down, how are we all going to re disseminate this info? Maybe yall are better at this and I should just wait and see, but… well I suppose this isn't the best place to plan something like that, but I hope peeps are actively thinking about it.
16 yr
8yrs in Hussien, around 1.5 in fucked up (POTUS). or more…. How long was MF in again?…..
technically, more according to POTUS. at least 25… but the recently active stage, 16.
I have never wanted to punch someone in the throat so fucking much. not you, but them
I don't want to imagine whyen they "grow" out of animal cruelty and into the the next stage.