Anonymous ID: 9ebde0 June 12, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.1725848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5921 >>5960 >>5971 >>5985

x-post from /pol/


Jared Kushner Swore at Israel’s Ambassador for Acting Like He Owned the Place


>be based 5thAveAnon/Kushner

>tell some piece of shit to fuck off

>do it in front of everybody

>”Kushner swore at Dermer in his West Wing office, saying he wasn’t going to do his bidding just because of his Jewish background. “You’re not going to tell us how to run these things,” he told Dermer. “Don’t try to push us around. Don’t try to jam us.””

Uh…why are we only hearing about this now?


What say you, /pol/?

Anonymous ID: 9ebde0 June 12, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.1725973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5984



Following or proving stuff is a lot less effective than them figuring shit out for themselves with the info already here.


Q original redpills on 4chin were the most profound even for all of us oldfags. Everything after that was a breeze.