Anons we are about to enter a new phase of the great awakening, and we are prepared. As attacks intensify from all angles, the moar attention is brought our way and the moar the message we, Q, and POTUS radiate will propagate. Q's crumbs tonight indicate the speed, gravity, and IMPORTANCE of the information we get and what we do will increase. Moar crumbs will come moar quickly and will have moar meaning. It’s happening, and we are ready, willing, and able to rise to the occasion.
We help POTUS, and POTUS helps us. POTUS WANTS our help, assistance, and outreach to spread the great awakening, help people who are blind to the reality of the world see, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. As Q says, "this board has more power than you can imagine". Q drops intelligence, at the order of POTUS, to us so we can better understand THE PLAN and what is happening during this revolutionary time in our country’s, and in world, history, which we disseminate freely to all. While we work hard, reach out, and spread the ideals and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America WORLD WIDE, POTUS is fighting for us. POTUS fights for us on the economy, on DRAINING THE SWAMP OF CORRUPTION, on making our military the greatest fighting force known to man, obtaining PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and restoring the United States of America to WHERE IT ALWAYS SHOULD BE. And we are forever grateful for his service to WE THE PEOPLE and OUR NATION.
We know so much, but so many are ignorant. They think cultural marxism will make them better people while it just divides; they think open borders makes them humanitarians while it depresses wages of Americans and destroys our beautiful culture of freedom and law and order; they think a "a little intellectual elite in a far distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves".
BUT WE CAN HELP THE WORLD ALONG SIDE POTUS. If you want to lurk and spread the information and truth here, reach as many people as you can. If you are good at making memes so those who are easily impacted can think for themselves, make the best fucking memes you can. If you comprehend the crumbs on a high level and you can make proofs of Q's message THAT IS POTUS' MESSAGE, make proofs and side by sides that allow people to understand the gravity of what we do here. If you can do all of that, outfuckingstanding.
We all have a role to play. We can help the world understand that THEY CAN GOVERN THEMSELVES. They don't need the government to take care of them in a socialist society. They don't need a monarchy to treat them like SUBJECTS and not CITIZENS. They can ELECT A PERSON WHO WILL FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHTS, SECURITY, AND FREEDOM. WE WORSHIP GOD, NOT GOVERNMENT OR MONARCHS.
Q and POTUS did this for a reason, to GET WE THE PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH THIS REVOLUTION TO TAKE BACK OUR GOVERNMENT FROM THOSE WHO WOULD CORRUPT IT, SUBVERT IT, AND DESTROY IT. We are winning everyday, and we will continue to do so as long as we are free thinking citizens of the greatest country in human history. It an honor to do this during one of the most historic and monumental times in human history. We must do everything we can to never loose control of our government, society, and civilization again. We are with POTUS and POTUS is with us.
Stay focused, Stay Strong, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, Trust the plan, Enjoy the show the darkness will turn to light, and WE THE PEOPLE WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY, and soon the people of the world will take back theirs.
God bless us all, and God bless the United States of America.