six minutes to bake
to the whiny, easily discouraged anon who complained of back pain and herniated discs in the last bread, then accused me of harvesting IDs when i told him to contact my protonmail acct.
if the first three places you look don't have the answers you want,KEEP FUCKING LOOKING, as many places as it takes, for as long as it takes, until you find what you need.
Like patching a flat tire: New fix heals herniated discs
March 11, 2020
Cornell University
A new two-step technique to repair herniated discs uses hyaluronic acid gel to re-inflate the disc and collagen gel to seal the hole, essentially repairing ruptured discs like you'd repair a flat tire.
Laser Spine Surgery: Deuk Laser Disc Repair
Home Treatment Options > Laser Spine Surgery: Deuk Laser Disc Repair
If you’re suffering from chronic back or neck pain, you know it can make your life very difficult. It can prevent you from doing the things you love, like playing games with your kids, gardening, or simply walking around the neighborhood.
Deuk Laser Disc Repair is laser spine surgery that cures chronic back and neck pain in a way that is minimally invasive and will have you back on your feet walking, driving and shopping just a day after surgery.
Neuromodulation Therapy Blocks Your Pain Signals
Neuromodulation devices work by delivering gentle electrical impulses to the spinal cord or peripheral nerves, helping decrease pain by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. Instead of experiencing chronic painful sensations—aching, stabbing, sharp, burning, or electric pain—patients receiving treatment feel pain relief or a soothing tingling or numbness in the affected area. With this precise technology, we are able to target the exact areas of your pain.
Spinal cord stimulation
Spinal cord stimulation therapy masks pain signals before they reach the brain. A small device, similar to a pacemaker, delivers electrical pulses to the spinal cord. It helps people better manage their chronic pain and reduce their use of opioid medications. It may be an option if you suffer chronic back, leg or arm pain and have not found relief with other therapies.
What is a spinal cord stimulator?
A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) device is surgically placed under your skin and sends a mild electric current to your spinal cord (Fig. 1). Thin wires carry current from a pulse generator to the nerve fibers of the spinal cord. When turned on, the SCS stimulates the nerves in the area where your pain is felt. Pain is reduced because the electrical pulses modify and mask the pain signal from reaching your brain.
you're welcome, asshat.
>a really great actor
Like all of these crisis actors who come out of the woodwork after every False Flag?
>fuck the jews. the most vile race on the planet.
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3 days before advent of 1Y delta
2Y to the day before signing of EO #21947 Continuity of Government/Devolution orders
One of those almost bit me in the park, vicious cunts
Hey Q. In midst of the last game being played many people got vaccine injured and the entire mass vaccination concept seems rather dismantled in this case.
Any clarification so I can satisfy my train of thought? Don't want to stay misguided due to my lack of deep intellect on the matter.
But yea homie, I'm down for another game.
This guy, Usher, "discovered" him and supposedly raped him regularly.