Anonymous ID: 35def5 Aug. 8, 2022, 5:46 p.m. No.17260923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Evidence shows Jan. 6 committee 'violated House rules' on finance, says GOP Rep. Rodney Davis

The committee needs to preserve extensive records, including text messages, social media posts, telephone records and transcripts, Davis said


Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) on Thursday said Republicans have found evidence that the Jan. 6 committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot has "violated House rules" relating to financial decisions.


With Republicans poised to retake the House following the 2022 midterm elections, Davis has written a letter, obtained by Just the News, to Jan. 6 panel chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) telling him to preserve all of the committee's records, including its communications.


"Given the on-going questions concerning the Select Committee’s compliance with federal law and House Rules, it is vital that the Select Committee preserve these records so that effective oversight may be undertaken," Davis wrote, attacking the committee's legitimacy.


On the "John Solomon Reports" podcast Thursday, Davis said he is "not afraid to make criminal referrals" if the Jan. 6 committee does not follow his preservation order.


Davis is also the ranking member of the House Administration Committee, which oversees the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, and other institutions.


He is one of five Republicans whom House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) recommended sit on the Jan. 6 panel before Pelosi rejected some of the picks. He told editor-in-chief John Solomon that the committee is a "sham" and he voted against its creation.


"We've uncovered evidence that the select committee has violated House rules when it comes to making financial decisions within that select committee's jurisdiction," Davis said.


"When Republicans take over the House after November, as the Chairman of the House Administration Committee, I will use my oversight responsibility to open an investigation into the select committee's clear violation of House rules, and we will get to the bottom of those violations for the American people," he promised.


Davis told Thompson that the committee needs to preserve extensive records, including text messages, social media posts, telephone records, transcripts and "and any other information relating to the Select Committee’s activities," regardless of how the information was stored.


"Should any requested item be subject to privilege, please describe the document and the privilege assertion in sufficient detail so that it may be considered appropriately," he added.


The concept of privilege has been heavily focused upon in the committee, which has denied privilege rights to at least some of those subpoenaed, including former White House trade advisor Peter Navarro.


Davis also told Solomon that there is evidence showing that at the Capitol Police Department "politics was a driving force in making the terrible security decisions leading up to January 6."


There is "some bad leadership within Capitol police right now," Davis said, adding, "I'm going to hold them accountable when we're in the majority."

Anonymous ID: 35def5 Aug. 8, 2022, 5:46 p.m. No.17260984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352

Someone have the meme?

>can cake one if needed

Welcome to the bakery!

We’ve got pies and cakes

And a world that’s eating everything

These Patriots can make.

Some breads are full of flakes—

Or a boom to bring the shakes.

Some breads are really flying by,

No time for cookie breaks.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.


Welcome to the bakery,

Where the clowns are glowing bright.

Dealing with shills is the price to pay

When you’re playing day and night.

And you’re noted, for when you sleuth—

But you better prepare the sauce.

God’s the One who’s winning;

Tell me, who’s gonna feel the loss?

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Watch the diggers, and the prayers, and memes

Wake sleepers from their dreams.


Welcome to the bakery,

With the white hats on the scene.

Never know when the boss is coming by

So you keep it all tidy clean.

And the breads always fresh and warm.

Lurking for some’s the norm.

Chew up a bite, to fill up your juice;

Be the calm for the coming storm.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.


When Patriots rise, they never ever want to come down.

No turning around.

When Patriots rise, the enemy tries, but won’t bring ‘em down.

No stopping now.


You know where you are?

You’re in the bakery,

Go eat some bread.


Kid Rock ready to make a song for anons?

You know where to find me.

(pb) >>17259810

Kid Rock golfs with Trump today. :36 Like Clockwork

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