Anonymous ID: 08627f Aug. 8, 2022, 6:01 p.m. No.17264698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The left is losing their shit


I had so many stray thoughts while reading this that I don't even know where to begin. I guess the big takeaway is that this makes perfect sense. It's what you would have expected.


From the woke protests at the University of Missouri in 2015-2016 to the campus takeover at Evergreen State to the shouting down of speakers at various campuses, wokeness was always concentrated in spaces that were already on the left.


So it makes perfect sense that wokeness would jump from there to progressive institutions where you have a preponderance of like-minded people, all of whom have been trained in the foundational beliefs that make up wokeness (anti-racism, intersectionality, critical theory, etc.)


What Ryan Grim reveals is that this has been going on for a while but the people confronting it haven't wanted to talk about it because even the language to criticize comes from the right. They're ashamed to admit it's all true.


Another random thought I had was about


. Reading Grim's piece one of the things that comes across is the degree to which wokeness in action is destructive of hierarchies. It puts an end to group cohesion for a common cause.


Peterson came along around this same time talking about the need for hierarchies and how they are inevitable (This was the point of his story about lobsters). And of course the left hated him for it. He was fundamentally contradicting their woke project.


And of course it infuriated them even more that when challenged, he could usually win the debate.


There's a lot of talk in the latter half of the story about attempts by management of these left-wing groups to push back on the woke activists in their organizations. But Grim admits this is still in the "embryonic" stage.


The use of "embryonic" in this article, which focuses heavily on "reproductive justice" groups, seems pretty awkward. My own prediction is that these embryonic efforts will never come to term. The woke mob will make sure they are aborted.


I'm not just saying that because I'm on the right. I think the logic of wokeness, such as it is, is based on this idea that it's each individual's job to call-out and cancel that which opposes their view of the world. No other goal can take precedence for long.


The woke also aren't interested in debate, they're interested in compliance. We've seen this over and over. It's why they shout down speakers rather than listen and ask questions. Silencing "harmful" voices is the point, not finding common ground.


So you can't argue when you've been called out. The Robin DiAngelo-style Kafka trap explicitly won't allow that. You can only apologize and admit failure. Wokeness is ultimately a demand for control. When anyone can seize control, no one is in control for long.


All that to say, I don't think this is going to work itself out and reach a new equilibrium. The current rules of wokeness don't allow for the kind of stability needed to run a large organization.


At Evergreen State, the campus takeover led to a decimation of enrollment that continued for years and left the school a shell of its former self. That's what I think the future holds for many of these groups unless they resist.