(Bread #2172)
Yes, unless they've got something up their sleeves that they haven't told us about, I don't understand how the Qs can reconcile what this board is about with bringing that stalwart demographic here that makes America what it is.
This subject is also a good place for me to say that terms like libtards, and other pejoratives have to go. I am neither a conservative nor a liberal. There are political perspectives that I hold from each side. Labeling me as libtard for certain political stances I have is designed to be insulting and alienating. I did an image search on gulag to collect some Soros-related memes, and I couldn't find one I would use, all I saw was name-calling, simplistc labels and analysis that the right embraces that pushes away the left, nothing really explanatory. If my life weren't such a mess, I would devote my time to getting the chops to crank memes out with my own perspective.