Your statement answers itself. Otherwise, I'd have to ask if you were new here.
Take the Infallible Adam Weishaupt Test for Bots
Find out if you are a special purpose military golem, script bot, NPC or fugue state shill while there is still time for treatment.
Do you condescend to imaginary board users?
Are you running a 2021 /pol bot script that was cringe when it was new?
Are your efforts to blame others for your personal and professional failures becoming less convincing even to you?
Do you enjoy acrimonious disputes with bots and shills?
Have you ever been mistaken for a golem, bot or a shill, or called yourself a bitch or Jew by accident?
Do other shills make weird noises in the backs of their throats when you walk past?
Can you name 10 or more cats from the musical CATS?
Can you sustain a hopping, beeping, faux-rage over "news" from social media?
Each "Yes" answer is worth 1 point.
A total of 1 point or higher means you may be a gay shill and should seek immediate professional help.
RxGeheimrat, Herr Doktor Adam Weishaupt, Schillmeister of Ulm, Gottingen, Baden-Baden, Not-so-Baden, Biden-Boden and so on.
something to ponder-
if the shills here were organic why have they
posted Melanie nudes or Barron memes?
because thay are not organic
they have a red line they can not cross
CP & gore & joos- ok!
but dont really want to piss anons off
just study them