We are suppose to be making it rain outside and offline. I am stuck in the same rut as you anon but we have to do more, this is bigger than twitter trending and reddit shilling, it's the fight for the sheep who have to suffer through CNN in airports or mocking bird radio stations during rush hour.
Redpills printed on biodegradable paper and dumped into busy intersections, QR scan code cards left on any table or on the edge 3rd story busy mall ledge, Sabo style guerilla-ads, or dumping yellow paint on the worst so they fear the streets again. We have the power. You shoot the right target, keep your mouth shut, and take it to the supreme court with how much knowledge has been dumped here. I don't think it has come to that yet but tell me some of you other anons haven't contemplated it, don't bother replying to that point. Sidewalk chalk, spray paint. We win no matter how they spin it, we've learned their symbols, we've spotted their signs. The pedo-cabal is done for, all they have left is the few mockingbirds and POTUS and crew have just about rendered them useless. Look at the loudest celebrities, they call for violence daily, their flock they once had are neutered, all they can do is waddle out with their platform shoes on and scream to cheers from fellow pedo-cabal members. We have to cross that line despite the restraint we have had for going on 2 years now
>Our President needs our help