That premise is unbelievable. If anything happens in a small town the first thing that happens is the school locks down. A 12 minute gun fight in the school yard (following a shooting a few blocks away and possible police chase) and the Principal/custodian/teacher/EA doesn't take the time to lock the outside doors on the school? Not buying what they are selling.
notetaker notes at 500
final at 650
>Reactions and responses are very telling.
>Testing the waters so to speak.
Weak minds over-react as we both know, Anon. Just eat bullshit and call it steak, it's from a cow, right?
>faggots from jelly donut city say jelly donuting will never /b/ the same with wall right through teh GAHY ad fayk
GAHYnigg inspects jelly donuting in jwlly donut city of mad jelly donuting