Anonymous ID: 6e87e5 Aug. 8, 2022, 9:28 p.m. No.17286603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7347


blathering this bs for 25 years

if it's so possible , prove it?

It's only "a matter of time" per their wrong understanding of the problem

If they could do it, it would be done already.

'Just one more line of code" yeah right.

This is like the Global Warming scam.

We were supposed to be under water by 95

Hard IA was supposed to arrive, at the very latest, '01

Still waiting

If you want to claim it, prove it.

It's a scam to get investor's money;

Money for science fiction; hype; sorta like what they do with pharma. Money for killing you.

The transhumanists only want to kill your soul .

ghost in the machine? Not your body completely like the Medical system Nazi.

Soul in the machine?

Though maybe you could call "synchronicity' that or quantum effect?

Still waiting. When the Earth starts to boil from Global Warming that will be around the same time when this arrives; i.e. never.

A human is different from a computational machine.

The machine needs a programmer


The freaky guy who works with Schwab?

That's what he believes, Humans will be turned into his robots.

He believes he will take away human free will

That's what the injection is for.

However, turning a human into a robot (scaling down the functionality) is likely easier than increasing the abilities of a machine to the level of human.

Anonymous ID: 6e87e5 Aug. 8, 2022, 9:29 p.m. No.17286737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ya, but.

They are pretty incompetent. Still chasing dark matter/dark energy which have been proven as bullshit, yet continue to receive funding.


Central European Time, guise.