Imagine calling yourselves “patriots” and then cheering like a bunch of fucking faggots when the President of the United States falls off his bike.
Hillary Clinton was right about one thing: you cock sucking mother fuckers really are deplorable.
Imagine calling yourselves “patriots” and then cheering like a bunch of fucking faggots when the President of the United States falls off his bike.
Hillary Clinton was right about one thing: you cock sucking mother fuckers really are deplorable.
"paxlovid rebound" is code for "hung by the neck until dead"
>Anons are asked not to respond to these fluckers
Appreciate it, but I play by my own (legal) rules.
no anon
you're on the right track
more than 80% of USA's goods move by railroad
Union Pacific (UP) is partially owned by Blackrock
UP was delaying cars and deliveries to grain mills a couple months ago, all under the guise of muh Russia
it's a fukking game to those in power to fabricate the shorages of
FUEL (bidan's doings)
GRAINS (railroad industry…think Warren Buffet)
AND NOW DEF (Union Pacific/Blackrock)
(((they))) are scared