Translation: I can't respond to the information provided, so instead I post a meme I have used 67000 times since January.
all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.
Garland is mad he didn't get posted to SCOTUS?
maybe he wants one of the Justices' to die now to give him a slot.
~"causes of deaths unknown"
sure they are /s/
No one can Ever Say that NoOne tried to stop the InjectionApocalypse, nor no one spoke up, nor that all of the Left side are quiet Nazi Sheep.
Yesterday City Hall Park NYC
There's such a thing as a quasi-Libertarian Leftist!
Republican Club pundits may claim it's a null set; however, Rare but exists.
If the Dems Fall, which they will, hopefully the opposition Party (since there always needs to be at least one of those in America politics and for going forward) will consist of courageous Leftist, who care deeply about Individual Freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights; and will stand up to illegitimate authority.
That is supposedly and allegedly to have been the tradition of the American Leftist; unfortunately most, if not all of them, have been either Traitors or Fools.
Democrat Party destroys itself; untethered from Common Law, Tradition, America, Constitution
Breaking the people's contract with their government.
So the usurpers thereby dissolve themselves.
The Marcoses, Khashoggi and six others initially were charged in federal court in October, 1988, with stealing $103 million in Philippine funds and then defrauding U.S. banks of $165 million to buy prime Manhattan properties between 1972 and 1978.
Khashoggi is accused of obstructing justice by helping the Marcoses conceal their interest in four New York office buildings. He allegedly submitted forged and backdated documents purporting to show that he had acquired the properties before a federal court order was issued freezing the Marcos assets around the world.
Whose [F] interests were they "really" concealing?
Justice Barrett topped Supreme Court authors last year in book royalties, with $425,000
The first installment of Barrett's reportedly $2 million book deal is the largest advance any justice has been paid.
The justices who sit on the nation's highest court received a total $800,000 in book royalties last year, according to newly- released financial reports.
The most significant payment, in the amount of $425,000, went to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett for her forthcoming book, according to the reports released Thursday. The payment is likely the first of several on a book deal she signed for a reported $2 million.
Previously, the largest book advances went to Justices Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor, who each were paid over $1 million for their books chronicling their rise from humble beginnings to the Supreme Court.
In total, Sotomayor has made about $3 million from various book deals, according to the Associated Press.
The eight justices have an annual salary of $274,000, and Chief Justice Roberts gets $286,700.
Previous reports indicate that Barrett's book may focus on the ways in which judges should not let personal feelings shape their decisions on the bench. Her contract is with Sentinel imprint, the conservative branch of Penguin Random House publishing.
Justice Neil Gorsuch received a quarter-of-a-million dollars in royalties from HarperCollins last year, for a yet-to-be-publish book. He previously made $650,000 for his 2019 book, "A Republic, If You Can Keep It." He also reported a $700 pair of cowboy boots as a gift he had been given by the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society.
i wonder if the pope resigned