I will use for long periods and then stop for a few weeks just to make sure. There are 0 effects when i stop using. It's just the addictive personality that keeps most users going on weed. Think about it. 1 puff in the evening instead of 2,3,6 beers? No calories, no hangover, and getting much cheaper. Think of the female population who count calories. Legalized weed will destroy the alcohol biz. Already way cheaper than alcohol. I would honestly feel 100x safer on the roads if there was a high person driving than a drunk. I have been REALLY drunk and REALLY high. I still have function when high (dont drive though) but drunk? NO comparison. Won't get started on the medicinal benefits as well as the actual benefits of growing Hemp. Read somewhere that if we plant 4 mil acres of hemp, we would never have to buy foreign oil again. The conversion to biofuel is off the charts. So many huge organizations against legalization. Rant over. Back to digging.