Anonymous ID: 46a9d7 Aug. 8, 2022, 10:33 p.m. No.17298611   🗄️.is 🔗kun

192K Migrants Apprehended Crossing SW Border in June


Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 192,000 migrants who illegally crossed from Mexico in June, according to government records previewed by Breitbart Texas. Since March 1, agents apprehended more than 182,000 migrants in the nine southwest border sectors.


According to a source operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Border Patrol agents apprehended just under 192,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry in June. The source told Breitbart Texas that Border Patrol agents are exhausted and overwhelmed while attempting to keep up with the volume of illegal crossings.


In an indication of the shifting tactics of human smugglers in Mexico, the Del Rio Sector led the nation in June as agents responded to the massive number of large migrant group crossings. Agents in this sector apprehended more than 45,000 migrants in June — some in groups as large as 400. The large groups force Border Patrol supervisors to put all of their resources into transporting, processing, and caring for the migrants.


The Rio Grande Valley Sector barely fell to second place as agents apprehended just under 45,000 migrants. The El Paso, Tucson, and Yuma Sectors each accounted for more than 20,000 apprehensions.


As agents are tied up with processing these migrants in shelters that are beyond capacity, smugglers are free to move other migrants into the U.S. interior. The tactics used had many tragic results in June.


On June 10, a migrant was killed instantly after being struck by a passing motorist as he attempted to flee from a smuggling vehicle stopped by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers on U.S. Highway 281 near Premont, Texas, Breitbart Texas reported. Dashcam video shows the brutal impact as the driver was unable to avoid striking the fleeing migrant.


Later in the month, at least four other migrants died at the hands of human smugglers as they crashed their vehicles while fleeing from Texas and federal law enforcement officers.


National media attention did not focus on the trend until 53 migrants died after being locked inside a tractor-trailer in San Antonio on June 27.


With the nearly 192,000 migrants apprehended in June, Border Patrol agents marks more than 1.6 million migrants during Fiscal Year 22 (which began on October 1, 2021). With four months to go in the year, the total apprehension of migrants by agents is approximately 20,000 shy of the record 1,659,206 apprehensions in FY2021.


In addition, approximately 400,000 more migrants successfully sneaked into the U.S. interior without being apprehended. This brings the total known migrant crossings to more than 2 million.


476K Migrant Got-Aways Recorded in 2022 So Far


More than 476,000 migrants eluded apprehension by the Border Patrol this fiscal year, according to a source within Customs and Border Protection. The total already eclipses the 389,000 got-aways from FY2021.


The source says the number, recorded daily, is based on evidence collected by a range of technology systems and aerial drones that capture images. The metric is usually not released by CBP. Historically, the Border Patrol has relied upon traditional sign-cutting techniques to locate and count footprints and other physical evidence left behind at popular migrant crossings. The latter metric has been all but removed from the equation because manpower is redirected to daily migrant care.


The average migrant got-away count, recorded since the fiscal year began in October, remains at roughly 1,700 per day. According to the source, more than 7,000 migrants are arrested by the agency on most days. In some areas, large migrant groups are taxing Border Patrol resources and contributing to the increase in got-aways. As reported by Breitbart Texas, in one Texas border town, 1,772 migrants were apprehended in one day.