Anonymous ID: ca9b93 Aug. 8, 2022, 10:40 p.m. No.17300215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0935


QR is no late 2017 /pol/ that's for sure.

Anons at the time called Q every slur in the book for being F&G.

Until the proofs started rolling in.

I hope the anons on here now downplaying the need for rock solid re-verification are really just shills in on the LARP.

Otherwise, whoa how much times have changed and anons have gotten moar not less gullible.

Anonymous ID: ca9b93 Aug. 8, 2022, 10:41 p.m. No.17300493   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They did that in the middle ages. They said the plagues were caused by a Comet.

"comet" coincidence?

Later the story came about the rats, that was also false.

Then there's too many plagues, 14?

When they do the "plagues" they mess with History too.

They've done more than one "reset"?

I saw some drawings from the time that make me believe the story of "Comet" was cover for people being poisoned, possible by poison smoke - supposed to be a remedy?

they used censures?

censer.. nother coinkydink.

Something to shut people up?

Supposed to purify the air, but they burned poison to put people to sleep

When they woke they told some story like "you've been sleeping for one hundred years, that's why your city is gone"

It's in some old tales, I saw it illustrated.

With a comet in the sky, and a censer being waved, and a person being asleep,

No one had mirrors or clocks then, so they authorities could tell you anything?

Kinda like now; no one with a brain?
