Anonymous ID: 6019de June 13, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.1731244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: He’s Conflicted, and He’s Acting Like It




Andrew McCarthy is widely respected inside the beltway. In this piece he posted today (following up on the Fox News article Q pointed to yesterday), McCarthy lays the groundwork for POTUS declassifying the full IG report and more. Key paragraph:


"In any event, I assume this is all water under the bridge. It happened five months ago (which is eons ago in the Age of Trump). What matters is the disclosure dispute as it stands in the here and now: On what basis is the Justice Department still withholding some documents and massively redacting others; and when will President Trump, instead of blowing off Twitter steam, finally order his subordinates to comply with lawful congressional demands for information? If there were credible allegations that a Republican administration had spied on a Democratic campaign, we would not be hearing precious concerns about the viability of the Justice Department and FBI as critical American institutions; in unison, the media and the political class would be demanding transparency."