David Straight "Confirms it all! Lobstr QFS XRP RV Gesara Nesara, it's Here! We MUST Demand it!
May 17, 2022
What an incredible conversation with David Straight and Chief Marshall Mecham. Folks everything is confirmed, it's all happening right in front of our own eyes. David Straight also agrees the Ripple lawsuit is settled!!! The United States of America will be the last QFS Domino, We need leadership, we need it bad, and we need it now, people need to stand up and make noise. Watch this entire interview and please move it on all social media platforms immediately.
This is the new Quantum Financial system is coming and XRP, digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara-Gesara, XRP and digital assets @ https://www.qfs1776.com/ (Thank you to https://www.wixexpertstudio.com/ for making our website user-friendly)
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