Anonymous ID: 26ff33 Aug. 9, 2022, 3:57 a.m. No.17315384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indicted Lina Hidalgo Staffers Try to Remove Harris County DA Kim Ogg From Vaccine Contract Corruption Case


Two criminally indicted staffers for Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo are trying to remove Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg from the vaccine contract corruption case.


Lina Hidalgo has repeatedly attacked Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, a Democrat, amid an investigation into the judge’s canceled $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.


Hidalgo’s top three staffers were indicted in April after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.


While Hidalgo was threatening to jail and fine people for violating her Covid rules, she was secretly trying to award one of her political cronies an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.


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Hidalgo’s Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis and Policy Director Wallis Nader along with co-defendant Aaron Dunn were charged with misuse of official information and tampering with government documents in connection with the canceled vaccine outreach contract.


According to court documents, Triantaphyllis and Nader are trying to get the DA removed from the case and assert “Ogg has engaged in a months-long, highly public feud” with the Judge over funding of the DA’s office which represents a “conflict of interest.”


“”Ogg took the rejection of her funding requests as a personal insult,” claimed both Triantaphyllis and Nader in nearly identical motions now before Judge Hazel Jones.” Fox 26 Houston reported.


Lina Hidalgo knows she’s going to be indicted next which is why she’s lashing out at Ogg and trying to smear her investigation as a ‘political vendetta.’


Ogg and Hidalgo have been exchanging barbs over the last couple weeks.


Kim Ogg responded to Lina Hidalgo’s smear campaign and warned her to keep her mouth shut about the ongoing investigation.


“Failing to do so allows a top county official, in her official capacity, to continue to improperly influence those people of Harris County who will serve on the jury in this case,” Ogg said a couple weeks ago. “This harms everyone, including the accused, and must stop.”