Anonymous ID: 2bac19 Aug. 9, 2022, 3:33 a.m. No.17313599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6302

Is everyone poor?

It seems to me I am very poor

I am not normally this poor but nobody is paying me

I had a guy today asking me to trade him pesos for a gallon of gas

Maybe some people are getting lots of money so they can keep going I dont know but The mechanisms that I relie on are not coming sucks cause I pre pay for all my inventory and when its 48hr guarantee but you dont hear anything for weeks from multiple multi state companies The thing is each item is Unique so I know the product is there they just wont bring it, wont answer phones and this is happening on many fronts,

So I guess what I am trying to fig out is How are so many still going I should Of been the last to be poor