Anonymous ID: c252d4 Aug. 9, 2022, 4:25 a.m. No.17317538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<>Happy 4th wall of July.

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orensicator’s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9,

concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate

— the time a remote hack would require.


The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision:

On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server.

The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.


These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory.

No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed.


Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania,

which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads,

would slow down the speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.