Q is not anti-Semitic and neither am I.
Baker? Notetaker?
"Sometimes, no matter how hard McCorvey’s clinics tried to hide the truth about abortion from women, they were unable to. McCorvey tells the following heartbreaking story:
The doctors always hid the truth from the mothers. …Specifically, I remember one woman who came in for an abortion, a pretty, sweet young woman about eighteen years old, with a teddy bear. During the procedure she looked down and saw the baby’s hand fall into the doctor’s hand. She gasped and passed out. When she awoke and asked about what she saw, I lied to her and told her it didn’t happen. But she insisted that she had seen part of her baby. A few weeks later, when she returned for her follow-up exam, she was a changed person: her sweetness had died and had been replaced with an indescribable hardness. I could not look her in the eye. It took quite a few beers that night to make that particular day go away. In all of the clinics I worked in the employees were forbidden to say anything that could talk the mother out of an abortion."