Anonymous ID: 52279f Aug. 9, 2022, 3:55 a.m. No.17315271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533

I say this with all my love: you Earthlings have a bit of a skewed idea of what an average being should be able to handle. You seem to think that everyone should be able to handle constant stress and the pain of constant unmet needs, without major issues. Well, the only reason you think that, is because nowadays only very strong souls are even allowed to be born on Earth.


If you took an average being from somewhere in the universe and gave him or her “the earth treatment”, he or she would very likely become depressed and addicted to substances to numb the pain. So if we look at an Earthling who is depressed and addicted to a substance, we think “yes, unfortunately we completely understand why this person is like that. Also, we love him or her very much, we wish we were in a position to directly help them.”


This also means that when we look at an Earthling who is not depressed and addicted to some substance, we are very impressed, because we’re looking at someone who is in a sense stronger than we are. The same goes for me – most people listening to this message are doing better than I would do, if I had a normal Earthling life.


So I’d like to invite you to be kind to yourself. A whole lot of Earthlings are actually doing incredibly well, considering the stress they are under. We are all genuinely very impressed with you. We are proud of you and we love you very much. You are doing great.