Anonymous ID: f15b52 Aug. 9, 2022, 4:11 a.m. No.17316417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8133


Bikes. Go to Europe. Not many people can afford cars to begin with.

Go to Denmark and get cucked like never before.

-In Denmark there are three taxes that have to be paid on an automobile. Two of these taxes are paid when registering your vehicle. The Value Added Tax is 25% of the car's initial value.

-The Registration tax is based on the original price of the car plus the value added tax. That tax is 85% of the first 185,100 DKK and 150% of the remaining amount.

-There are deductions and extra charges to this registration tax that depend on the fuel efficiency of the car.

-For gas cars the vehicle registration tax is increased by 6,000 DKK for each kilometer that the vehicle runs below 20 km/l.,fuel%20efficiency%20of%20the%20car.


This is a replay of what Obama tried to do and what Bernie Sanders froths over. I guess when you're dumb, unemployed, with $150K in debt because of that PHD in Interpretive Dances of Dutch Faggotry, & 45yrs old, you pretty much gave up & hate the world.

Anonymous ID: f15b52 Aug. 9, 2022, 4:12 a.m. No.17316502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8009


My take?


"she was NEVER meant to lose"


(their) plans didn't include that as a possible.


(they) have been winging it ever since…


OTOH (they) play against a team that has been planning every possibliity/permutation for a VERY long time.


so one team is per "the game plan" the other…..not so much.


Enjoy the "movie" it was actually pre-planed & written!