To keep these men with nothing to do poor and angry is to
create a scape goat. How do we do this?
After WW1, Jewish bankers collapsed the German economy
in an effort to buy low and sell high in the future, which is a
common scheme perpetrated by banks all around the world.
Having done something wrong, Jews were then treated as a
scapegoat, and Muslim leaders simply used past scape
goat status to justify the same today.
Thus you have an artificial conflict fed from both sides on the
border of Israel, with both sides using the other as scape goats
to motivate their people to become soldiers.
Saudi Arabia has already folded. Iran is looking at North
Korea event and thinking that they, like Kim, can get away with
past indiscretions by negotiating with POTUS. They will fold
before Israel out of fear of sensitive information being
Israel will put up a fight and those will be the first of the
cowardly ruling class whose heads will likely roll to show
POTUS does not play games.
What follows will be a world wife series of events no one
expected, or thought could happen.