(A blank one is up in the MEMES bread)
much love
(A blank one is up in the MEMES bread)
much love
I'd like everyone who is wearing a badge, or is 1811, or SOG, you DOD, You DTRA, you you in the BIOWEAPON LABS, every single person in the US State Department, or has a Green Military ID card or SMART CARD ID with Chip, all you with the electronic swipe cards to access vaults.
You all need to check yourself.
You have decided to give the country's wealth to NAZIS and CCP and you are attacking CITIZENS with BIOWEAPONS.
You've nuked the energy, supply agriculture, communications, and freedom of innocent people that you now conspire with multinationals to propagandize *using Smith Mundt Modernization Act, to terrorize (acts commit by those who I address now), to genocide (medical mRNA tyrany), and ultimately treason. The topple of America.
I'm gona leave with one repetition of my earlier notes on this topic. How it could be resolved. How what I say has been ignored for so long? will there still be be a country worth living in, not controlled by WEF/ccp/nazis when you finally look at what I say? ( you know I should have died from heart attack in 2014, only by changing my nutrition am I still here, these monsters if they continue will. So the WEF and their jackals intend to kill me, it's clear by the words of these terrorist sleeper cell fanatics it's a threat. )
it's terrible the State Department who flies the transnational terrorist flag on their building sanctioned the George Soros funded transnational terrorism night after night in Kenosha. In my opinion a NEW threat has emergedโฆe.g. commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist pedoist and identity fraud.
I only see a new LAW and OATH as able to address these new national security threats, and I see it as something the Founding Fathers could not have foreseen. I would change it like so OLD OATH+I swear to protect against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist fascist eugenicist nazi pedoist and identity frauds +SO HELP ME GOD
After this the agencies that MUST BE GUTTED/deactivated/"BRAC'd." I suggest
deactivate/secure devices/BRAC them
fbi, doj, ses, cia, ig, jttf, jtf, dtra, fisa, nsa, atf, State Dept, NG that surrounded the Whitehouse, NationalGuard Californa(theywere with nazis in ukraine), State Dept, FCC, FDA.. CDC, NIH, HHS, DHS, WHO, UN/NATO/DYNCORP, iia, dynology, CLEARFORCE, shadownet, OSHA. I know that seems like a lot, but I watched each commit terrorist or treasonous acts against innocent Americans.
The people that did BACKGROUND CHECKS ON BIDEN allowing them on the BALLOT. Those got to go too. We wouldn't have the problems we have if they were not on the ballot in the first place.
every one of these agencies you post is failing our country.
Normally I would honor them, but look around they defend and protect WEF/CCP/NAZIS.
Fuck them. and I mean that.
you are correct its not a recession it's a Multinational terrorist attack, involving media, medical, military, energy, agriculture, transpo, and freedom
electronic vote tabulation devices are a broken chain of custody dominion/serbia/pakistan/china ess/malta
mail-in (broken chain of custody)
scorecard interference
hammer interference
smith mundt - meda reporting lies, corrupt judges, corrupt cops, corrupt medical, corrupt state dept, corrupt military
dominion - foreign interference serbia pakistan china
ess - foreign interference malta
The failure of the State Department (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!
there were other things I want to do with my life than react to democrat problems and emergency drama after emergency drama. The root of the problem is dishonor and insolence which has now led to treason built on lies.
I much rather go visit PELE than be reacting to Democrat Death cult Drama day after day. But even PELE now has a piece of shit King IGE IGE that makes it so I don't want to visit.
FOX news and Clinton says..
MSNBC says ..
Whitehouse says . .
what you really mean is Clinton's STATE DEPARTMENT SAYS.