3 popes, 2 dodge.
as for the "you must organize" part: i think the truckers were a good example for this
as for the "be heard" part: most of us started and tried to be heard in our families
although failed multiple times probably it still has some effect, because in my fam for example, they worry about me and think about me and wonder why I am like this and what do I mean, so now they start to understand a lot (especially post-pandemic)
other anons have other means to be heard (i don't use fb, youtube, twitter etc.)
so it's not in vain, fren
fer sure
He in total denial for years in fact.
Even said a few weeks ago "we don't see it weakening any further"
That why he was here week before last cryin like a pussy to Janet
They gonna do something with currency swaps via the NYFRB cause they already doing it with the EU-$2B+ since early march.
I take back what I said before. The first person I would like music lessons from is this guy.
Obola said today that he's still president.