Anonymous ID: 54e35c Aug. 10, 2022, 3:50 a.m. No.17334066   🗄️.is đź”—kun




>imported midget tranny has tax credits for that prol






>nogoathomo still mad bout goat farts


>battle of hetero on hetero recruits help from nogoathomo


>might be leader of real mean lady gang




>real mean lady caught holding farts in




>mean lady gang sends reinforced backups during hetero on hetero breaching the hetero at battle of hetero


>mean lady caught attackin heteros with hetero on their hetero during hetero pride month


>the poets are mysteriously silent bout the cheese



>israeli ass bomber fleas hobbits in shire


>mean lady wants your virtues nekid


>all this for a north korean mcdonalds franchise











>have ASSangeL dispatch the HRC emails toward goebelle king


>what if


>we made a movie


>mocking hogg and HRC and hubbard


>do waht feels right


>gas chamber yearbook seeks qualified homo


>don;t let bilbo fires break out in your sex dungeon




>they don't know imported trranny hooker comes with tax reasons and finger in the butt


>here is proof of ovaries ruing a kitchen wiff eggs and milk



>they are just jealous of imported midget tranny hooker


>her ovaries were trying to make more ovaries ina endless cycle of eggs




>natural vagina trying to steal your man seed


>▶Anonymous  38 minutes ago517071 (7)  No.16051517 >>17333977


>File (hide): 0c90f95df27a6f2â‹Ż.png (148.41 KB, 481x452, 481:452, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>File (hide): fc0765fcc072faeâ‹Ż.png (227.08 KB, 557x601, 557:601, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




>Someone posted the girl has a brown/blue eye.




>but the blue eye sure shit looks reptilian. At least, it doen't match her brown eye.


>maybe it's the capture angle


>▶Anonymous  37 minutes agoa68806 (1)  No.16051518


>File (hide): 0c2d6035e4838fa⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 500x310, 50:31, 0c2d6035e4838fa30008b3cfc7….jpg) (h) (u)






> This will open some eye's


>▶Anonymous  37 minutes ago64da6b (14)  No.16051519 >>17333973


>File (hide): 40d39a9e4b01426â‹Ż.png (139.21 KB, 290x356, 145:178, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




>natural vagina trying to steal your man seed


>▶Anonymous  38 minutes ago517071 (7)  No.16051517 >>17334031


>File (hide): 0c90f95df27a6f2â‹Ż.png (148.41 KB, 481x452, 481:452, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>File (hide): fc0765fcc072faeâ‹Ż.png (227.08 KB, 557x601, 557:601, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




>Someone posted the girl has a brown/blue eye.




>but the blue eye sure shit looks reptilian. At least, it doen't match her brown eye.


>maybe it's the capture angle


>▶Anonymous  37 minutes agoa68806 (1)  No.16051518


>File (hide): 0c2d6035e4838fa⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 500x310, 50:31, 0c2d6035e4838fa30008b3cfc7….jpg) (h) (u)






> This will open some eye's


>▶Anonymous  37 minutes ago64da6b (14)  No.16051519 >>17333975


>File (hide): 40d39a9e4b01426â‹Ż.png (139.21 KB, 290x356, 145:178, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>natural vagina is ebil and needs to be stopped from seducing sum dumb yung heteros



>david willcoke4homo expresses grief over satanists oppenly mocking homo agenda theme park in californicator


>HRC did not killitself says lizard people



>fugly 75 year old succubus drapes are not quite sure bout its frontbutt megalomania on


>attention lost boys


>larp batter

Anonymous ID: 54e35c Aug. 10, 2022, 3:50 a.m. No.17334088   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4781

ASX smashed with a 2.5 per cent drop after horror week as recession fears deepen


Any hope of recovery after a horror week for the economy is being dashed, as the nation’s biggest companies are seeing their values drop again.


Any small hope of recovery after a horror week for the Australian economy will be dashed today, after global markets saw heavy losses and the Australian Stock Exchange took a dive in early trading.


In what looks to be a very difficult Friday, Australian shares have dropped 2.5 per cent in the first 30 minutes of tradingas rising interest rates in the US, the UK and Switzerland in the last 24 hours stoked recession concerns.


The Australian market had steadied after Tuesday’s bloodbath, but a small amount of optimism looks to have vanished this morning — with the top 200 companies on the ASX now worth 8.36 per cent less than they were just five days ago.


All sectors are lower — with tech faring the worst. That sector has dropped 3.8 per cent as shares in Afterpay-owner Block sank 7.2 per cent in early trade.


The big four banks are all in the red - CBA falling 3.3 per cent, ANZ down 2.2 per cent, NAB 2.8 per cent and Westpac 2 per cent.

Anonymous ID: 54e35c Aug. 10, 2022, 3:51 a.m. No.17334103   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5174


George Galloway


Russia state-affiliated media

It’s sex, lies but no videotape. BJ and BJ. #Boris Johnson caught being given oral sex by his then mistress now wife #Carrie. Gulp! Watch the full @moatsTV

show at | @GeorgeGalloway

George Galloway


It’s sex, lies but no videotape. BJ and BJ. #Boris Johnson caught being given oral sex by his then mistress now wife #Carrie. Gulp! Watch the full @moatsTV show at | @GeorgeGalloway

5:29 PM · Jul 3, 2022·Periscope

Anonymous ID: 54e35c Aug. 10, 2022, 3:52 a.m. No.17334151   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4262 >>5584


>Alrighty, then. Translate. Anon has the dumbs, but wants to know. What are anons seeing, here?

still working it through.

I think the key words PERFECT and ZERO correlate to Q Proofs, particulary Perfect Q/Potus Proofs or Zero deltas.


Was evaluating this yesterday >>17333982

when Potus dropped PERFECT PERFECT on the 19th and then a truth with a couple of typos, followed by a LONG pause before the next Truth.


I've used this theory to predict Tweets within 10 minutes four times . Wasn't successful yesterday as the next truth came at 15:57 . Was expecting a Potus truth around 13:00 or 14:00 pm. However, I did note what I thought was a significant Q/Potus proof 55 minute delta from 2020. followed by Potus tweeting "Perfect Analogy"


>Looking at Jun 20 Q potus deltas, there aren't any zero deltas but there's 1 including zero zero timestamps

>Q4484 dropped at 13:00

>first line of drop is a Twitter link to Justice department

>Potus55minutes later retweets breitbart article about the Justice department

>Then 1 hour after Q drop Potus retweets a breitbart video at 14:00

>The PERFECT analogy


Then Today anon LB dropped the55blackout "coincidence". proof?


>Exactly 5 yrs & 5 months


which tingled the almonds of the :55 min timestamp for Potus PERFECT PERFECT truth on the 19th.

Possibly related?


then anon notices the 55 surrounded by the 17 in the timestamp in the first potus truth since the PERFECT/Typo truths on the 19th


>5:5 with a 17 surrounding it



turns out the delta between those truths is 1 day 6 hours55minutes.


Jan 6 55

jan 6 loud and clear


Now you can add today's PERFECT truth to the mix



[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/21/2022 08:03:15

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108515360458648023


A“PERFECT”PHONE CALL to discuss a Rigged and Stolen Election, and what to do about it, with many people, including lawyers and others, knowingly on the line. The second call was likewise“PERFECT.” Thank you to the Washington Post for their retraction of an incorrect story!